Information Exchange
by Celia Claase
It is the differences between energy frequencies that ultimately move them to attract or repel, causing change. It is the many different energy frequencies that fill the universe with unique information bits like shapes, colours, textures, fragrances, sounds and tastes.
When dissimilar energy frequencies combine or divide, information gains complexity. Yellow and blue become green; four triangles and a square become a pyramid; fragrances become perfume; and different sounds become language and music.
Information is therefore not separate from the continuum of energy frequencies but is what creates infinite motion and change. Since information is as much energy as motion, together the three form a trinity.
Information is an intrinsic part of the energy frequency trinity, and just like energy and frequency, information can also not be created or destroyed; it can only be recycled from one form to another. That means that every information, energy, frequency that was ever changed by means of our words, thoughts or deeds will forever exist, unless it is changed into a stronger or weaker one.
Extract from The Layers Between (Proverse Publishers Hong Kong) by Celia Claase