Coming Soon
A Physical First Cause
-other than matter
by Celia Claase
A Physical First Cause -other than matter, Celia Claase courageously tackles some of the most difficult questions and problems that have exercised the minds of thinking persons since the dawn of human history. Her basic thesis, that reality consists fundamentally in movement, has deep philosophical roots and is worth taking seriously. Her further claim, that the mind, too, develops through processes that can be understood as internal motion, is sure to challenge any thoughtful reader. And, her valiant attempt to address the perennial questions relating to the nature of consciousness is rich with insightful observations.
-Prof. Stephen R. Palmquist (D.Phil., Oxford University)
A Physical First Cause -other than matter, addresses the human body, mind, and consciousness from both a phenomenological and a physical point of view. It suggests movements, as we perceive them or as measured in physics, to be the key to our understanding of reality. In physics, the absence of movement indicates the absence of energy. In the same way it is hard to imagine a conscious experience that is static, in which everything remains the same. Can we imagine a consciousness that does not stream? A Physical First Cause -other than matter, has touched upon this topic that has long fascinated ancient philosophers and the present-day scientific community. In fact, the American psychologist William James introduced the term “stream of consciousness” in his book The Principles of Psychology published in 1890 to describe how images, emotions and thoughts flow through our minds. However, for a brief period in the history of science, the problem of consciousness was relegated to the back burner because “consciousness” cannot be “directly observed”, unlike other material constituents of the universe that can be empirically studied. But times have changed. Consciousness studies have returned to the academic arena this century, only with greater rigor and with participants from a wide range of disciplines from quantum physics to neuroscience and philosophy. Motion Fields -The Fundamental Reality is a fresh attempt to integrate the different elements of human knowledge that may be needed to understand perhaps the most intriguing part of ourselves and existence -human consciousness.
-Dr. Elbert S.P. Lee (Ph.D., Applied cognition and depth psychology)
Explanations about the concept and organisation of the human body in A Physical First Cause -other than matter, is mainly based on modern medical science, and the concept of internal environment as a set point is almost a modern view. The author tried to explain the concept of mind with some established facts of modern neuroscience flavoured with ancient views of human physiology. The mechanisms of heartbeat and breathing are known to modern neuroscience but the author nevertheless says that “nobody knows what movement is”. The ideas based on the explanations about movement, sensation and perception of sensory modalities differ from the understanding of current neuroscience to the best of my knowledge. The section that dealt with the role of consciousness and the generations of mind were enjoyable to read. I found the proposed ideas strange but logical and interesting.
-Prof. Sunil Dhungel, Ph.D. (Neurology and Neuroscience)